27. Mai 2010 BioMed zet Life Science GmbH becomes member of the In Vitro Testing Industrial Platform (IVTIP)

In May 2010 BioMed zet Life Science GmbH became member of the In Vitro Testing Industrial Platform (IVTIP).

IVTIP is an informal forum of European companies with a genuine and active interest in in vitro testing (replacement) to be used in regulatory/safety testing or for early decision-making in compound discovery and development.

IVTIP is supportive of applying opportunities resulting in the reduction of the number of animals and/or allowing for refinement of existing animal experiments. IVTIP actively contributes to the promotion of dissemination of progress and knowledge, and transfer of state-of-the-art technologies related to the 3Rs:replacing, reducing and refining animal testing.
IVTIP focuses on the implementation of the 3Rs principle by industry, and the acceptance of the emerging alternative methods by the regulatory authorities. IVTIP focuses on Europe and seeks close contacts with the European Commission (EC) and the European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EPAA). It keeps an open eye on global research activities and industrial needs, realizing that a global approach is required for getting acceptance of the emerging testing methods.
Mission and vision of IVTIP and Biomed zet Life Science GmbH are strongly in line. As a developer of test methods BioMed zet Life Science GmbH is applicability driven. IVTIP offers the right platform to come into contact with other developers and users and allows the exchange of knowledge at the basis.